Iorana Korua
Hi all
We are a family hotel with a solid Polynesian tradition passed down from parents to children. Our family is originally from Rapa Nui and throughout its history it has always been linked to welcoming visitors to the island. Our grandparents Pedro Atán and Marta Poa, dedicated a large part of their lives to welcoming Chilean and foreign authorities, crews and sailors from many parts of the world, delegations of scientists, archaeologists and explorers. Specially Thor Heyerdahl, one of the most recognized explorers worldwide develop a close relationship with our family. He was in charge of one of the most important expeditions in Easter Island, which allowed to publicize its culture.
Why Inaki Uhi?
La familia Atan es descendiente directa de Ororoine,el último sobreviviente de los Hanau Eepe, uno de los pueblos originarios de Rapa Nui. Inaki Uhi, uno de nuestros ancestros ha sido la inspiración para el nombre de este Hotel familiar, que conmemora las raíces y se enorgullece del origen, historia y cultura de la isla.
Our Origin
Ure o Pea
Pea ko te Motuha o te koro
Inaki Uhi
Ao ngatu
Atamu Hare Kai Hiva
Atamu Tuputahi
José Abraham Atamu
Pedro Atán and his brothers

Sustainable Hotel
For more than 10 years we have been committed to the island and the environment, which is why
we have become a hotel that seeks to reduce the carbon footprint through a sustainable plan